Green Terror Cichlid Profile
Green Terror Cichlid
Common name: Green Terror cichlid
Scientific name: Andinoacara rivulatus
Type of fish: Cichlid
Origin: South America (west of Andes)
Level of difficulty: Intermediate
Max size: 12 inches
Growth Rate: Very Slow
Minimum tank size: 75 gallons+
Diet: omnivore
pH: 7-7.5
Hardiness: Hardy
Aggressiveness: Very aggressive
Tankmates: medium and larger sized American cichlids, large plecos, silver dollars
Sexing: Males can have a pronounced nuchal hump, and a more colorful orange lining on the edges of the fins
Notes: The name "Green Terror cichlid" used to refer to Andinoacara stalsbergi which has a white lining on the edges of the fins instead of the orange one found on rivulatus. These cichlids are best put in tanks with a darker substrate to make their blue color "glow". These fish are also very, very, very slow growers.